L&NWR Society Journal Volume 10 No 2


L&NWR Society Journal Volume 10 No.2 September 2021 – LNWR – LMS

The London & North Western Railway Society September 2021 Journal, Volume 10, Number 2.

Contents include:

  •  The Dyserth Branch – Traffic and Operations – Reg Instone
  • The Chemical Laboratory at Crewe; a LNWR first – John Bailey
  • Linslade Tunnel – Bob Williams
  • LNWR-Pattern Enamel Shedplates – Melvyn Smith
  • The First Female Railway Clerks – Ros Hext,
  • The Grand Junction Railway 1835/37 in Stafford – Ken Wood
  • Holyhead Goods and Services in 1880s – Clive Taylor
  • How Welsh Newspapers reported on the LNWR in 1848 – David Bond
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Press Digest No 92