L&NWR Society Journal Vol 9 No 5


L&NWR Society Journal Volume 9 No.5 June 2019 – LNWR – LMS

The London & North Western Railway Society December 2019 Journal, Volume 9, Number 5.

Contents include:

  • The Dyserth branch
  • Rowrah and Double-Trip Boxes
  • H-Spoked Cauliflowers
  • Crewe Stripping Pit to the African Bush – memoirs of a railway worker
  • A train of refrigerator vans
  • Kensington Addison Road C 1925
  • Locomotive Class Identification 3 – Webb 4-4-0s
  • How Welsh Newspapers reported on the LNWR in 1847
  • What the Americans thought of Webb’s Compound
  • Artificial Limbs made at Crewe
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Press Digest No 82